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Committed to a Just and Equitable Gulf

Our Vision

EEECHO envisions a community of stakeholders vested in more productive and resilient neighborhoods, self-reliance and advanced preparedness to adequately adapt to the growing challenges which adversely and disproportionately impact our most vulnerable communities.

Our primary goal is to fully engage our communities in working in areas of alignment with oversight agencies and decision-makers at all levels. 
We go the extra mile to amplify the voices of those we serve.


Our Initatives

Inclusion Policy

EEECHO fully embraces and is inclusive of all members of our society, regardless of race, age, creed, religion, status, gender, and orientation.

Jemez Principles

EEECHO adheres to the 17 Principles of Environmental Justice and all the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing, with particular focus on:

  1.  Be Inclusive

  2.  Emphasis on Bottom-Up Organizing 

  3.  Let People Speak for Themselves

  4.  Together In Solidarity and Mutuality

  5.  Build Just Relationships Among Ourselves

  6.  Commitment to Self-Transformation 


The Education, Economics, Environmental, Climate and Health Organization (EEECHO) is a female-led, grassroots network of diverse partner organizations, educators, economists, healthcare providers, housing proponents, scientists, environmental justice proponents, climate justice activists, legal experts, faith leaders, policy advocates and professionals that represent the interest of building better communities.

Meet the Team

Get to know the EEECHO team members!



Olivia Walker

Editor in Chief


Dan Mitchell

Assistant Manager


Noah Patterson

Programming Editor


Ruth Story

Executive Director and Co-Founder


Katherine Egland 

Program Director and Co-Founder

The Founders

Board Members

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